Build a new online store category implemented across the desktop and mobile app
Key Features
When a business owner selects their business category as an online store:
Build out an algorithm that automatically captures the most recent screen grab of the website’s home page and replace the embedded map of the store’s location
Build out option for the online store business owner to list where their business ships to rather than where it is located​​
When users input their location in the Yelp search query, include listings where their location matches online store shipping locations
When a user generates a review for an online store:​​
Keep the original review feature but also include separate, optional ratings for service, value, shipping, and returns
Online Stores Channel on Yelp
Why E-commerce?
In Q2 2017, over twenty million ecommerce businesses generated $111.5 billion (Bureau of the Department of Commerce) in sales. However, a disturbing 97% of these online businesses failed to break $1,000 in annual sales (Digital Commerce 360). With the proliferation of tools lowering the barriers to opening online stores, anyone can participate in the growth of ecommerce, not just the big players. Creating this new online stores channel would not only resonate with Yelp’s mission to “enrich lives of consumers and small business owners,” but also attract twenty million potential new customers.
90 percent of new online businesses fail in the first four months because they struggle to identify their customers (Huffington Post). Another crippling issue is visibility. Business owners keep their online stores hidden and do not know how to correctly target their customers. Just by having a listing on the Yelp product, businesses are already taking their first step towards building their customer base.
Nowadays, every digital business platform is in direct competition with each other, from niche companies like Etsy to the giant corporations like Amazon. 44% of shoppers rely on Amazon to start their product searches by looking at user reviews and customer experiences (HubSpot). Even Instagram is hopping onto the burgeoning ecommerce trend to add to its community atmosphere. Businesses are opening storefronts on Instagram so that they may engage with customers via direct feedback, comments, and direct messages, making their shopping experience feel more personal. Yelp would win in this red ocean because it not only has the sophisticated technology to directly support all these functions and more but this implementation also sits at the core of Yelp’s mission for more than 13 years!
Most ecommerce stores are very brand heavy and brands are more likely to have the bandwidth to claim their Yelp page than commoditized stores or independent, family-owned businesses. As more businesses are added to the Shopping category, there will be increased competition for visibility and more business owners will want to claim their business in order to compete and participate in that category. Additionally, with more businesses interacting with Yelp services, they may opt to upgrade their plan and purchase ads, a supplemental source of revenue for Yelp. With the ecommerce market growing at an exponential rate and numerous businesses taking action on this new trend, Yelp must address this new market and accommodate its services accordingly.
Current Competitor Landscape
Providing a platform that business owners can utilize as a “non-physical” storefront that customers can interact with is a great way for Yelp to broaden their business owner customer base and increase claim rate. However, many companies are already capitalizing on this new market.
Site Jabber
Referral Candy
Trust Pilot
Pissed Consumer
Generate awareness and advertise new features on
Get major online businesses (preferably the big players like Zappos, Asos, etc.) on board and committed to participating in Yelp’s new features for online businesses prior to launching. Yelp will ask these companies pre-launch to allow them to use their business as a detailed case study with testimonials of how Yelp improved their business from 0 - 90 days post-launch.
Craft an engaging newsletter for online businesses detailing the new accommodations for online businesses and instructions on how to claim their business on Yelp. This will include case studies (statistical improvements) of companies that have already signed on.
Incentivize the first 500 online businesses to claim their page to receive discounted advertising for one year.
Create Yelp Gift Cards that may be used on any online store through Yelp’s interface.​
Give these to Yelp Elites so they can quickly populate reviews and share this new feature with friends.
Allow customers to buy these Gift Cards to encourage more visits to the Yelp web and mobile app.
Hand out these Gift Cards to Yelp Elites to use in Online Stores that use the Yelp app. They will then be encouraged to write reviews and post on blogs about this new experience and how it is changing the way they use Yelp.
Host online Yelp events. For example, “For 3 hours from 6-9 PST, all products bought on online stores through the Yelp app get 35% off on their total purchase. Cashback once a review is submitted.”
Create a selfie contest and ask your most loyal customers or employees to take selfies with products from these online stores and add reviews to the Yelp site. In exchange, offer free prizes (i.e. $15 Uber, Amazon, Visa, Yelp gift cards) for highest rated selfie submissions.
Allow online businesses to embed a Yelp review box within their website for customers to leave feedback. This would be accessible through Yelp’s developer page.
Sales Engineering
Prepare and email presentations that explain this new feature to online business owners
Help new clients solve any issues while using Yelp’s suite of tools through a live chat customer support system.
Show business owners data analytics of how claiming their business will bring new customers and/or increase business.
Help secure new online businesses as customers
Estimated Claim Rate
I predict with this strategy Yelp can achieve a 15.5% increase in Yelp’s claim rate by the end of 2021 (approximately four years). I used Yelp’s current claim rate growth from 2015 to 2017 (taken from Yelp’s Investor Presentations) as a guideline to predict the adoption of online stores claiming their businesses on Yelp.
Current Claim Rate Growth
3.8 million claimed businesses / 20 million local businesses US (2017) = 19% claim rate
3.2 million claimed businesses / 20 million local businesses US (2016) = 16% claim rate
2.6 million claimed businesses / 20 million local businesses US (2015) = 13% claim rate
Yelp’s growth rate will double because...
Online businesses are mature and well branded with an established following of customers that are familiar with online marketing
Language is not a barrier to business owners with online storefronts
With a minimal learning curve for ecommerce customers (as they are already online), there will be a positive incentive for online businesses to use a product like Yelp
Based on the above assumptions, I predicted what growth could look like for the next two years. I then created a trend line built on a logarithmic model to predict what growth could look like beyond the next two years. I chose the logarithmic model because product adoption rates closely mimic that of a logarithmic curve. The following graph is a loose representation of what the claim rate could be as it is based on limited data.
Claim Rate Growth Predicted for Online Stores Using Past Yelp Data
By opening their presence to the online business community not only will Yelp increase their business claim rate, but they will also -
Widen their reach in the consumer space by getting more hits on their website or mobile app
Increase their potential for more advertisement revenue with more listings in their Shopping category
Have an opportunity to reestablish their competitive edge contending with the bigger online search engines and social media sites
The Bigger Picture